Tuesday 12 April 2011

Easter Week 2011 Alicante

Date: From 17 to April 24
The various demonstrations and acts that prepare the arrival of Easter, such as Via Crucis, concerts, exhibitions or trials with thrones, give way to the solemn celebration with the opening speech that takes place in the city's main theater . So begins the busy Easter Alicante, in the twenty-five processions and more than thirty groups of sculptures decorated with flowers, intertwine and populate the neighborhoods, squares and avenues. Amidst all this wealth ornamental stand, above all, acts of Wednesday and Holy Thursday.
The first of these days are a procession of the Holy Cross, which, from the neighborhood with the same name located on the slopes of Mount Benacantil flowed into fall the footsteps of Christ Gitano and the Descent  through the narrow and convoluted Old Town streets to the city center. This decline is impressive effort and skill of the bearers, which then must climb, with no less zeal, to restore the images to the hermitage of the Barrio de Santa Cruz.

Holy Thursday night, a prelude to the Crucifixion, it features the impressive Procession of Silence, as central figures showing two dramatic images of incalculable artistic value: the Christ of the Good Death, the work of Nicolas de Bussi (XVII century) and Our Lady of Sorrows, by Francisco Salzillo (s. XVIII). These images are accompanied by the dim light of candles, a vibrant feast of trumpets and drums, the painful break the silence with an arrow that starts and the intense aroma of incense, flowers or burning wax.
They are also highlighting the processions of Easter Tuesday, or Friday morning where they go on parade a succession of figures of the Passion by the Esplanade, among which that of Veronica, covered with a beautiful mantle richly decorated with embroidery gold, this being a procession rooted in Alicante feel of The Passion. It is also the Esplanade, with its props of mediterranean light and swaying palm trees, the scene of the procession of the Virgen of joy parading on Easter Sunday next to the image of the Risen Christ after the meeting in the Town Hall square.
Despite the solemnity of Holy Week come to Alicante allows the visitor to alternate moments of meditation with the fun, engrossed in contemplating art, to enjoy all the possibilities offered by the city, always with a warm and welcoming .

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